I am a newcomer to Japanese Embroidery. I see that your four-day New Students Class begins tomorr...

We always strive to accommodate our attending students as much as possible. When you contact us with your interest in attending class at the Center, we try to get back to you promptly with an information packet (class application, membership form, hotel & transportation recommendations, list of needed supplies, etc.) to give you the best chance at arriving prepared. (This exchange is most efficient by email.)

However, we ask that you please submit your class application and supplies order at least one week before the class. (More specialized classes such as Advanced Class, Bead Class, Phase X Class, and Teachers Class usually require much earlier notice.) It takes time for our instructors and staff to prepare for your arrival, and eleventh-hour registration may result in you/your classmates paying for wasted time as we scramble to get you ready—a good way to get off on the wrong foot with people you will be sharing workspace with for the next four days!

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