Can you send me the box chart and color scheme for a design?

All orders for our Phase designs come with a color scheme list and box chart. There are also many other designs (Challenge, Practice, Series Book, etc.) in our catalogue for which we have a color scheme list and/or box chart. As with Phase pieces, such designs come with these stitching aids enclosed.

Producing a box chart or color scheme is an expense of time and labor for our limited staff, therefore many designs do not have a box chart or color scheme list. For designs for which we do not have a color scheme list on catalogue, JEC staff can create one for a $15.00 service charge per list. Note that any design has the potential for multiple color schemes, pending fabric color (many color schemes are not compatible between fabric colors). Please call or email us to inquire about the availability of a color scheme. (See Available Fabrics for in-stock fabric colors.)

We do not, however, accept requests to create box charts. (See our Design Catalog for an indexing of catalogued box charts.)

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